Hi I'm Ben Spangl
I am an entrepreneur, speaker, seminar leader, coach, and host of the podcast, The Pursuit. I’m married to my amazing wife Tiffany, and a proud father to two incredible daughters. I am incredibly passionate about helping people understand how to close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Creating a life in which you have it all. That has been my own personal pursuit and I love teaching others how to do this very thing. All of the ideas I teach now are exactly what I used to create a truly dream life and a life I love. BUT, it was not always that way.
In the early years of my business life, I was working 6-7 days a week, practicing my craft, reading books, listening to the audio, and doing everything I was ‘supposed’ to do…. And yet I was not getting the results I wanted at all.
I was flat broke, my business wasn’t growing at all. I wasn’t in good shape, no meaningful relationship with a significant other. And had not learned how to be happy. Then about 3 years into my journey of personal growth and development something happened.

I attended my very first seminar and my life changed dramatically. First and foremost, it’s where my wife Tiffany and I met! Second of all, I learned so much about my mind and its programming. More importantly how to actually put together all I had learned the past few years and actually make it work in my life.
Within the next 12 months so much had changed. My business more than doubled, my income doubled, I found my soulmate, and I was starting to attract more success than ever before. This led into 3 straight years of increased success year over year. THEN something happened. I. Completely. Plateaued. Plain and simple I was stuck. No matter how much work I did, nothing seemed to be changing. And I was frustrated. I knew greater was possible. I was asking myself questions like:
I know I am capable of so much more, how come I am not achieving what I want?
I know there are people in life that truly do have it all, why can’t I seem to put it all together?
I know how much work it took to get where I am.. I don’t want to have to do that all again. There has to be a better way.

There has to be a better way. This last thought became my search. And as the saying goes, seek and you shall find. My answer showed up at first in a book that was referred to me. That book led me to revisiting some of my old practices I had used in my early life to transform it from where I started to where I was. And I got back into doing the work that truly can change your life.
The real work is changing your mind from the inside out. You see the law of life works from the inside out. The majority of society is looking for answers outside of themselves. They’re looking to the economy, or their friends, or their family to figure out how to change their life. And they are looking in the wrong spot.
Your INNER world creates your OUTER world. It’s the invisible that creates the visible. Your mind holds the answers to creating a life you truly love and living your dream life. However, most of us were not given an instruction manual on how to use it properly and how to program it for success.
That’s what completely altered my life forever. It’s the success secret everyone is looking for. It’s the way to getting your ideal future. To making the kind of money you want to make, having the ideal body you would like, being in your ideal romantic relationship, having the career and business success you desire, having a great spiritual life, and being truly happy. ALL OF IT is created within your mind.
My passion is helping people unlock the secrets of their mind and learn how to use it to get anything and everything they desire. All of my programs, seminars, and events are all designed around this very thing. How can you create the life you truly want and a life you love?
Looking for more abundance? Wanting wealth and prosperity? Wanting to have more harmonious relationships? Looking for your soulmate? Tired of not having the body you want? Feeling like you’re not succeeding the level you know you could be?
These are all symptoms of your mind not working for you the way it could be. I want to help. When you learn the truth of who you are and how to change your mind, EVERYTHING ELSE IN YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE.
Do you feel like you’re ready to take control of your mind and take control of your life? If so, you’re in the right spot.